Home / Civil War Genealogy / New York / 58th New York Infantry
58th New York InfantryUS Flag
Company Unknown
Rheinhold Frederick Koester
- Sergeant
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Contact Name: Mike Wallace
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Date Added: 12/3/2014

Company Unknown
Andrew Lutz
- Colonel
Per the House of representatives eport No. 538 of March 6, 1894,
''Mr. Andrew Lutz, a reputable citizen of New York City, was authorized, in August, 1861, by Secretary of War Cameron and the Governor of the State of New York, the late Hon. E. D. Morgan, to raise a regiment to be known as the Morgan Rifles, and that said Lutz was to be colonel of said regiment, he being at that time major of the eighth regiment New York State Volunteer Militia.
“That in pursuance of such authorization, Lutz opened recruiting offices in the cities of New York, Jersey City, Hoboken, Poughkeepsie, Schenectady, Rondout, Brooklyn, and Williamsburg, and recruited for said regiment 417 men, who were regularly mustered into the service of the United States.
“That he defrayed all the expenses of recruiting, lodging and subsistence of these men, and expended a sum of $5,000 therefor.
“That some time in November, 1861, the said 417 recruits, then known as the Morgan Rifles, were consolidated with another body of recruits, who had been recruited by Mr. W. Krzyzanowsky, and was afterward known as the Fifty-eighth Regiment New York Volunteers, and Mr. Krzyzanowsky was appointed colonel of the said regiment.''
Contact Name: Walter Schwartz
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/24/2004

Company C
Christian Mullerleile
- Private
Transferred to Company C, New York 58th Infantry on 30 June 1865. Mustered out on 1 Oct 1865 in Nashville, Tennessee.
He was a cook and baker born in Baden, Germany.
Contact Name: Cathy Farmer
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/2/2011

Company H
August C Piesch
- 1st Lieutenant
His real name was Albert Carl Pisch. Born at Bergen auf Rügen, Prussia in 1844. Emigrated via Hamburg to New York City (Manhattan) in 1859. Married Augusta Jung in Manhattan in 1869. Died in Brooklyn in 1888.
Contact Name: Jim Brogle
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/25/2004

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